Sensitivity Training

HR Proactive Inc., is a leading Canadian consultancy business providing supportive One-to-One Sensitivity training across Canada since 1997.

Our half-day interactive training sessions assist employees and people leaders to understand how their behaviour impacts others and helps restore workplace relationships.

Our library of video, case studies, quizzes, participant guides and tools have been curated over several decades.  The client is not paying for development but rather customization and delivery to meet the specific needs of the employee.

The process we follow is threefold:

  1. Consultation with the client to identify the working areas and customize the agenda.
  2. Deliver half-day session remotely via Zoom or Teams Platform.
  3. Provide client with detailed letter outlining content that was covered in the session and an assessment of the employee’s level of participation, we also issue a Certificate of Completion for the employee.

Note: Complex issues may require additional support and follow-up coaching sessions.

We offer virtual and instructor-led training on respectful workplaces and remedial sensitivity training. We also provide workplace harassment and discrimination investigations and workplace restoration initiatives.

Contact us today for special pricing on Workplace Sensitivity Training.


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